Industrial Park
The Edgeley Industrial Park is located at the intersection of U.S. Highway 281 and ND Highway 13. It was developed as part of an Economic Development Administration project in 1977.
It was part of a Water Improvement project which included drilling new wells about three miles North of town and building a Water Treatment Plant and a 250,000 gallon ground storage tank. Water, Sewer, curb, gutter and paved streets were developed with six large commercial lots being made available for industry. At the time it was hoped that industry would occupy the site. Several years passed without anyone purchasing a site and building.
In 1984 John Mathern purchased Lot 1 located closest to the intersecting highways and built a large bar capable of handling large groups. He provided some food and his operation started the transformation of the Industrial Park. In 1986 Erval Jackson built a building to house his aircraft kit manufacturing venture. It is located at the South end of the Park. It was added onto later to provide more space as the company acquired more aircraft kit lines.
In 1990 Farmers Union Oil Co. of Edgeley purchased Big John's Bar from John Mathern and remodeled into a Convenience Store operation and a farm store. At that time they also built a vehicle service facility across the street to the West bringing the number of buildings in the Park to three. Shortly after this John Mathern built a new facility across the street to the South. This new business would be called the New Big John's Restaurant and Lounge. It was larger and provided a full service restaurant. Over the years this facility has catered to many wedding parties and other special events. Shortly after this building was built Eddie Fischer and Gene Hanson built a Super 8 Motel to the South of Big John's. This turned into a big asset for the Industrial Park Complex and Edgeley. This created a great location for people to gather. During the fall months hunters flock to the Park filling the rooms at the motel and spending their evening hours dining and enjoying the company of the locals with refreshments served at both Big Johns and the Cenex Convenience Store.
A few years later Spencer and Joann Isaacson built a new building to the west of Big Johns to house their plumbing and heating business and a small antique store. Later Spencer was bought out by James Valley Electric and his building was sold to Farmers Union Oil Co. This building is currently the offices for Allied Agronomy, LLC. For more information on the Industrial Park please contact Joe Neis at Edgeley City Hall or email me at .

Industrial Park