Church of the Living Word
Dear friends in Christ,
The Lord is nudging our hearts to follow Mark 5:19 which states the following: "...Jesus said to him, go home to your own family and relatives and friends, and bring back word to them of how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had sympathy and mercy on you."
In the light of that word we feel it is time to be calling a body of believers together in the Edgeley area. Today we would like to share with you the vision God has laid upon our hearts, for this great work to begin in Edgeley. We desire a church that is:
- Word oriented
- Willing to build and edify us, so we can go out and reach others
- A body ministry
- Led by the Spirit, moved by the Spirit and prayer in the Spirit
- Full-gospel ministries
- Strong music ministry for praise and worship is vital
Habakkuk 2:2
And the Lord answered me, and said, "Write the vision, and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may be able to read it easily and quickly as he hastens by."
Church services began in the home of Steve and Julie Nelson and from there, they moved to the Vets Hall in Edgeley, ND. The church held its services from the first Sunday in January 1991 to the middle of July 1991 when the church moved into the basement of the Heartland State Bank in Edgeley.
The Lord called Tim Ehrke to be the first pastor in June 1991. Pastor Tim is called as both a prophet and a teacher. Tim served the church until July 1993. In October 1993 Tom and Susan Shanklin served the church as pastors and led the church through the church's next phase.
In July 1994, the construction of a new church building began. The church is located on the West Side of Edgeley. Many of the church people volunteered countless hours of hard word to see the church through this great time of growth and change. The church stood ready to be occupied and was debt free. The first service was held on the first Sunday of April 1995 in the new church. A special dedication service was held the third week of July 1995, just one year after the new building had begun.
Pastor and Mrs. Shanklin left Edgeley in September 1996 to serve a church in Minnesota. In the same month the third pastor called by the Lord to the Church of The Living Word were Mike and Dorie Tumbo.
Mike came to minister to the church with an apostolic calling and his wife Dorie is involved with the worship team and with teaching. They are currently serving the church and look forward to what the Lord is going to do in Edgeley.
The Church of The Living Word's vision is still the mainstay and a lighted sign designed by Naomi Nelson was erected this year. It displays the Church's name and an emblem representing our mission to be a spiritual oasis, ministering to the lost and hurting people.
We believe in a living and powerful God that has come to demonstrate his love for us by touching our lives with his power and presence. Revival is here and God is moving in Church of The Living Word. Come and experience the "Living Word"
Sunday Service Each Week at 11 a.m.
Contact Info
Pastor Dom & Linda Vetter
Gene & Stella Edwards

Church of the Living Word
Church of the Living Word
911 W. 7th Avenue
Edgeley, ND 58433